「 We are a band in TRANSITION. 」

Transition are a three piece British rock band creating music that touches the soul – a fusion of eastern and western musical influence! Their roots are in Bristol, U.K, but they combine this rock foundation with Asian rhythm and melody, producing music that inspires audiences from both sides of the globe.

Transitionʼs three years living and performing in Taiwan had a profound effect on their lives and music, especially their song-writing. Their first mandarin song ʻSorry My Chinese Isnʼt so Goodʼ became an instant youtube hit. It gathered over a million views, and is now an anthem for all foreigners learning Chinese!

Another landmark came in 2012 when the band were given the honour of writing the official theme song for the Taiwanese Olympic team for the London 2012 Games – the first ever foreign band to be given this opportunity!

「 We are a band in TRANSITION. 」這是前進樂團的自介,充滿活力與希望,一如他們的音樂風格。

前進樂團是一組爆發力十足的三人英式搖滾團體。擅長以濃郁綿密的和聲、 強烈又動聽的編曲揉合出極具魅力的演繹風格。 2005年來到台灣參加春天吶喊之後,就決定要每年來參加,後來在2009年搬到臺灣定居,前後與臺灣接觸長達11年,重返校園學習中文,開始中文歌曲的創作,在臺灣巡迴表演,同時也與許多台灣音樂人合作。2011年更以一首創作【對不起我的中文不好】在網路上爆紅,至今已成為外國人學習中文的入門課!2012年返回英國後,仍不放棄音樂與對台灣的熱情持續前進,為奧運臺灣隊寫下【前進 Olympic Dream】的主題曲,在倫敦一同為台灣的選手們加油打氣!


Official Website:

Music Video:

  1. 對不起我中文不好
  2. 前進 Olympic Dream


About Transition